Your Web Site ™

Warning: This is an old site, one of the first I ever designed,
it didn’t pan out as I anticipated, some links will not work, there is nobody
there any longer (did I say it’s old?) but I continue to maintain it for the sake of history and
personal nostalgia J
Most general information remains valid though, and you can
write me if you want, email address is further down on page, and I do check
my mail once in a while.
Playing: Phil Coulter’s Home Sweet Home
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for some finger-licking good Cajun food?
Here is a selection of restaurants to delight – and set
on fire – your palate:
In California

of San Francisco
Vlad Dracul
Vlad the Impaler, Vlad Dracul (the dragon or the devil) as his contemporaries nicknamed
him, was one of the bloodiest rulers of all times. But around the years
1400 in Transylvania, being a bloody ruler
was neither unnecessary nor condemned.
With enemies like armies of Turks, foreign spies and treasonous
politicians plotting to murder him, bloodletting was a necessary evil. He was, however, a protector of his
people and, his Principality being at the gates of Europe,
he almost single-handedly stopped the Turks in their march across the
continent. Legends spun by the
locals after Vlad‘s death lived to enter the
Romanian folklore and gave Bram Stoker the subject for his book, Dracula,
after which many movies were made.
Read more about Vlad the Impaler and see the places where he lived HERE
The “Orchid Cactus”
No plant in our world
displays more contrast between its ugly, slow-growing stems and the
incredibly beautiful, yet short lived, small or large but always-showy
flowers. A member of the family of
Epiphytes, plants that use other plants, mostly trees, for support, but
they’re not parasites, they grow their own, extensive root system and store
nutrients in their succulent stems, resisting over long periods of dryness.
After a long growing
period, sometime years, Epiphyllums bloom
rapidly, with flowers like explosions of color, some bold, like the
bright-red Corona del Sol above, some delicate, like the Honey Dew to the
right. Although easy to grow, they
take a long time, putting one’s patience to test at times. Some flowers
are huge, more than 12” across! Read about them, and see more photos of Epiphyllums, HERE


In Texas
Rodair Club
of Port Arthur
City Café
of Dallas
In New York
(Still looking J)
In Louisiana
Yeah, sure. We
even try! J

here for Amber Alerts!


Romanian cuisine
Queen of the Gypsies?
to some, nothing short of. The gifted Romanian actress, dancer and singer
of German descent, who developed an interest in, and a kinship with, the
Roma (Gypsy) nation, was a shoe-in for the part of Sabina, the Gypsy
seductress of Tony Gatlif‘s movie Gadjo Dilo (The Crazy
Stranger) the first movie ever to be made by a Gypsy director, a glimpse
into the troubled yet free life of the Gypsies. The 1998 movie was an international
success, propelling Rona to places like Cannes
and San Francisco
and getting her the Locarno Festival Best Actress Award for her performance
as Sabina. If you didn’t hear about
Rona yet, you will! Read more about
Rona Hartner on her web site HERE. An interview with Rona, translated from
French, HERE and
another one by indieWIRE HERE.
In California

of Anaheim
In Texas
Athenee Cafe
of Dallas-ForthWort
of Addison

Check it up!

Click for the big picture
art just happens. I see this all the
time in the objects that surround me.
Outdoors, indoors, even in the kitchen, of al places. I do help things along, I have to admit
it, but not with premeditation. It’s
just that when I put things down I try to set them such that they please
the eye. One of my favorites places
is the top of my old Wedgewood range, a timeless work of art itself.
I surrounded it with pine
to please the eye, but to have some needed work surfaces. The oiled wood
looks warm and inviting and enhances visually most things I place on
it. So when I see something I like, whether
dried orange halves or the old Sheffield
knife next to a Mikasa saucer, I tend to improve on it and even take
pictures of it. Whether you call it
Photography or “Object Art”, take a look at these 2 shots I took recently. If you like them, feel free to post them elswhere, but only with the correct attribution:

Click for the big picture
Would you like to suggest themes and subjects to be posted on
“Your Web Site”?
E-mail me

Make this your spot on the net!
Send me your article
and one or two photos.
Will publish it here if appropriate.
Specialty Foods and Humor encouraged.
Governments and special interests are working tirelessly to
deprive you of your hard earned
standard of living and
plunge us (US) in a dark age of socialism for the sake of
« equality ».
There is only one thing to do :
RESIST! Know the issues! Your very
Freedom is at stake!
Check out the headlines in
the ticker below.
Sorry guys, iRESiST
is now history too – it didn’t… resist J
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Beautiful new ceramic tiles
from Iznik,
See more tiles and learn
about Iznik ceramics HERE
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